What is VanGore?

VanGore is an independent publisher of both works of fiction and non-fiction ,however we do have a particular fondness for creating horror.

What is the aim of VanGore?

To create and publisher works unbound by trends or non-creative aspirations. VanGore publishes the works it’s writers wish to create, labours of love as opposed to manufactured mundaneness if you will.

When and where was VanGore founded?

VanGore was founded in 2018 in the city of London England however the publisher’s heritage also has strong roots in Ireland.

Who founded VanGore?

C. J. McDonagh, E. J. McDonagh & T. C. McDonagh.

Where is VanGore based?

The city of London.

How many authors does VanGore currently represent?

The McDonagh brothers, C. J. McDonagh, E. J. McDonagh & T. C. McDonagh are currently the primary authors represented by VanGore.

Does VanGore accept submissions?

Currently we do not, however we do have plans to expand and begin the submissions process in the future.

How could I contact someone from VanGore?

Simply head over to our contact page and drop us a message.

Where can I find VanGore publications?

VanGore publications will be made available through all major book retailers but the easiest why to find them is to wait for announcements and links to drop right here at VanGore.com, or sign up to our SubStack and become a VanGore inner circle member so you’ll never miss out on any news or new releases.

Anything else should I know?

Well, VanGore also publishers a site dedicated to gaming, why not check it out?

Anything else?

As an independent publisher we here at VanGore truly do appreciate your time and your support and we look forward to entertaining you for many years to come.